In our own story as cultivators we always had the desire to create as little waste as possible. Very quickly we have looked into cultural ways in accordance to a better, healthier environment. Of course it is a journey and it took us several stages to bring our own garden and plant nursery to the level it is today, meaning zero phytosanitary products.
At first, we were only making those efforts for ourselves. We hadn’t plan on sharing our discoveries with other professionals. Then came a point where nearby establishments (specifically those who knew how we worked) started seeking our advice about recurring issues occurring in their fields. We went to analyse and study their cases. We were able to quickly and simply put in place healing protocols. Those cultures are very different from our own and we have been observing excellent results that have encouraged us to produce these devices in series : they are the Botanical Biodynamisers of Gaujacq. We began to organize ourselves to give consultations to help, based on our own experience and studies. Scientific experiments validate and synthesise our own research thanks to the generous implication of several highly experienced scientists that accompany us on this.
The Botanical Biodynamiser of Gaujacq is very simple to use. We are talking about information, not molecules, there is no dilution needed. We are witnessing a radical change of paradigm : It’s the vision of the world surrounding us that changes completely. It truly is this kind of thinking that allows us to follow up on so many different cultures and plantations with such success.
For exemple, we are absolutely convinced that parasites do not exist : on the contrary, we think that any form of life that lives besides plants all have a purpose. When a fungi is largely on a plant, it takes advantage from an imbalance, which is evidently an issue. However, when the plant is given the vigourosity it needs, we notice that the fungi, while still being there, does not act as a pathogenic agent anymore. Even if we have not yet understood the positif aspect of a cryptogam, when it is simply present, it participates in a way or another to the general balance of the system.
The same goes for insects.

The information is in the soil and restored regularly. The up side is that when balance is obtained, it does not need a follow up
All our protocoles and advice are an exclusive result of our own applied research from the past forty years. The fact that we cultivate, in total immersion, a large diversity of plants allowed us to acquire a certain knowledge that we are pleased to share with you.
If you wish to go towards organic farming, with zero phytosanitary products, if you have any complications on any type of cultures, we can offer an alternative solution, virtuous, decidedly avant-garde and natural, with surprising results. “To try the BBG is to adopt it”
There is an exceptional result in regularity, quantity and quality. Very beautiful shoots, tougher, healthier. An amazing result.
Matthieu, manager of the green houses, plant nursery SCRIVE in Estibeaux, France (40)
This biodynamiser is classed as botanic due to the results we were able to combine the from our own research in phytoneurology to the biodynamic part developed by Marcel Violet (1887-1973), himself inspired by the work of Stanislas Bignand, modernized by the Natarys society we work in close parternship with. We integrate the music of the plants in the water using the biodynamiser, aswell as the core information (trace elements,… carbon, copper, silver, iron etc.). This is an exclusive innovation particularly efficient.
The fondamental principals of this technique are not new. In the 19th century, the pasteurian way (Louis Pasteur) acted directly on the consequences of the problem by using synthetic molecules with usually a rapid effectiveness. We can now observe the limits and undesirable side effects, pushing the countries to legislate drastically. The other course is Bernardian (Jean Bernard) which is directed on the studies of organic fonctions allowing the full capacity of the defense mechanism of a threatened organism. This procedure is now coming back in force nowadays.
The Botanical biodynamiser of Gaujacq combines the best of the two.
To allow the plants to be at their full potential, regulate themselves and balance their environment, as well as obtaining fast efficient results that is so desired by all cultivators on the planet.
It is our pleasure to answer any questions.